
The Inter-Ιnstitutional Postgraduate Program titled “Digital Transformation and Educational Practice” aims to:

  • cultivate essential knowledge and skills that will enable graduates to pursue professional careers in sectors where the design and application of learning technologies are required,
  • develop specialists in the field of educational digital technology to staff structures in formal and non-formal education, organizations, businesses, policy-making and implementation agencies, and other entities in both the public and private sectors,
  • prepare specialized scientific personnel to advance research in the field of learning technologies,
  • achieve a high level of interdisciplinary theoretical education combined with comprehensive technological specialization, equipping graduates with the necessary skills for critical and research-oriented thinking, as well as the ability to connect theory, research, and practical application. This will provide them with the tools needed for professional, academic, scientific, and research careers in the field of learning technologies, both nationally and internationally.


Specifically, the IPGP aims to: a) introduce students to learning theories and their application in educational practice, b) provide adequate theoretical and practical training in current developments and modern research in education and scientific research methodology, enabling graduates to understand the principles of scientific research and the specific tools required to produce reliable research work, c) develop skills in applying innovative pedagogical approaches through the use of both conventional and emerging digital technologies, d) familiarize students with technology and e-learning systems, e) introduce students to the principles of designing learning environments that incorporate technologies and the use of various authoring and development tools for technologically advanced interactive multimedia educational materials (e.g., digital games, simulations, virtual worlds), f) introduce students to the interpersonal and social contexts in which educational innovation occurs through modern digital and audiovisual technologies, and g) encourage the use of emerging technologies to design and compose modern learning environments, applying best practices of active learning within the framework of group projects and the completion of a Master’s thesis.